
List of publications


Fazzi A., Markovsky I., Usevich K. Implementation improvements and extensions of an ODE-based algorithm for structured low-rank approximation. Calcolo 62 (2), 2025. pdf DOI


Fazzi A., Chiuso A., Simulation of Nonlinear Systems Trajectories: between Models and Behaviors . 2024 10th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies CoDIT, pp. 2049-2054 (2024). pdf DOI

Fazzi A., Kukush A., Markovsky I., Bias correction for Vandermonde low-rank approximation. Econom. Stat. 31, pp. 38–48 (2024). pdf DOI


Fazzi A., Markovsky, I. Addition and intersection of linear time-invariant behaviors. IFAC J. Syst. Control 26, 100233 (2023). pdf DOI

Fazzi A., Markovsky, I. Distance problems in the behavioral setting. Eur. J. Control 74, 100832 (2023). pdf DOI

Fazzi A., Structured low-rank approximation for nonlinear matrices. Numer. Algorithms 93 (4), pp. 1561–1580 (2023). pdf DOI


Fazzi A., Grossmann B., Mercère G., Markovsky I., MIMO system identification using common denominator and numerators with known degrees. Int. J. Adapt. Control Signal Process. 36 (4), pp. 870-881 (2022). pdf DOI


Mishra V. K., Markovsky I., Fazzi A., Dreesen P., Data Driven Simulation for NARX Systems. 2021 29th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), pp. 1055-1059 (2021). pdf DOI

Fazzi A., Guglielmi N., Lubich C., Finding the Nearest Passive or Nonpassive System via Hamiltonian Eigenvalue Optimization. SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl. 42 (4), pp. 1553-1580 (2021). pdf DOI

Fazzi A., Guglielmi N., Markovsky I., Usevich K., Common dynamic estimation via structured low-rank approximation with multiple rank constraints. IFAC - Papers Online 54 (7), pp. 103-107 (2021). pdf DOI

Fazzi A., Guglielmi N., Markovsky I., Generalized algorithms for the approximate matrix polynomial GCD of reducing data uncertainties with application to MIMO system and control. J. Comput. Appl. Math. 393, 113499 (2021). pdf DOI

Fazzi A., Guglielmi N., Markovsky I., A gradient system approach for Hankel structured low-rank approximation. Linear Algebra Its Appl. 623, pp. 236-257 (2021). pdf DOI


Fazzi A., Guglielmi N., Markovsky I., Computing common factors of matrix polynomials with applications in system and control theory. Proc. of the 58-th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, pp.7721-7726 (2019). pdf DOI

Fazzi A., Guglielmi N., Markovsky I., An ODE based method for computing the Approximate Greatest Common Divisor of polynomials. Numer. Algorithms 81 (2), pp. 719–740 (2019). pdf DOI


Markovsky I., Fazzi A., Guglielmi N., Applications of polynomial common factor computation in signal processing. In: Latent Variable Analysis and Signal Separation. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer-Verlag, pp. 99–106 (2018). pdf DOI

Fasino D., Fazzi A., A Gauss–Newton iteration for Total Least Squares problems. BIT Numer. Math. 58 (2), pp. 281–299 (2018). pdf DOI