


Nonlinear data-driven predictive control
Poster presented at 32nd ERNSI Workshop, Venice, Italy, 29 September-2 October

Simulation of nonlinear systems trajectories: between models and behaviors
Talk given at the International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies, Valletta, Malta, 1-4 July

Nonlinear systems identification in the behavioral setting
Talk given at the Workshop on nonlinear system identification benchmarks, Lugano, Switzerland, 24-26 April


Distance problems in the behavioral setting
Talk given at the European Control Conference, Bucharest, Romania, 13-16 June

Can we know the future without a model?
Presentation given at DEITalks (series of seminars in the Department of Information Engineering), Padova, Italy, 17 May

Data-driven prediction: from LTI to NARX systems
Talk given at Numerical Linear Algebra Days, L'Aquila, Italy, 10-12 May


Polynomials distance to common divisibility
Talk given by invitation at 2nd international workshop on Matrix Theory and Applications (virtual), hosted by the Departments of Mathematics
AKFA University-Uzbekistan
Sukkur IBA University-Pakistan
Naresuan University-Thailand
Bukhara State University-Uzbekistan,
15-17 November

Identification of systems generated by nonlinear maps
Poster presented at ERNSI 2022 Workshop, Leuven, Belgium, 18-21 September

Distance to Uncontrollability: a Behavioral Approach
Poster presented at Householder Symposium XXI, Selva di Fasano (Brindisi), Italy, 12-17 June

Addition and intersection of linear time-invariant behaviors
Light talk given at SDS2022 meeting, Rosa Marina (Brindisi), Italy, 7-10 June

Polynomials approximate common factor computation: a different problem formulation
Talk given at the ALAMA2022 - ALN2gg meeting, Alcalá de Henares (Madrid), Spain, 1-3 June


Data-Driven Simulation for NARX Systems
Poster presented at European Signal Processing Conference, EUSIPCO 2021 (virtual), Dublin, Ireland, 23-27 August

Common dynamic estimation via structured low-rank approximation with multiple rank constraints
Talk given at 19th IFAC Symposium on System Identification (virtual), Padova, Italy, 13-16 July


Structured Low-Rank Approximation
Talk given at Primo ritrovo matematico degli Alumni della Scuola Superiore dell' Università degli Studi di Udine, Udine, Italy, 21 December

Computing common factors of matrix polynomials with applications in system and control theory
Talk given at the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Nice, France, 11–13 December

Computing approximate common factors of matrix polynomials
Talk given at Due giorni di Algebra Lineare Numerica, Roma, Italy, 18-19 February


An ODE based method for computing the approximate GCD of polynomials.
Talk given at Due giorni di Algebra Lineare Numerica e Applicazioni, Padova, Italy, 8-9 February


A Gauss-Newton iteration for solving Total Least Squares problems
Talk given at Due giorni di Algebra Lineare Numerica, Como, Italy, 16-17 February